To get a job, keep a job or get promoted to the job you really want, you are going to need excellent Soft Skills.
Soft Skills are not about pieces of paper that you can wave in front of your employer or potential employer, they are about demonstrating that you have great communication skills while on the job or in the interview.
So, what are Soft Skills and how can they work for you? Soft Skills are the visual and verbal cues you send out when you interact other with people. In the same way that you wouldn’t send a resume or introduction letter out riddled with spelling and grammar mistakes you need to take the same care with your visual and verbal presentation.
Now some of you may be thinking, come off it, talking to people is natural and easy. We were born to do it, well no that’s not the case. Particularly in today’s world where we have a tendency to communicate via the on-line space be it social media or email.
You were taught to write for business at school, college or uni, but very few of us have been taught how to drive a phone for business, or how to give an excellent presentation or how to work collaboratively in the workplace.
These are the top skills that are driving business success in this and coming decades. These are the skills that are in most demand inside companies, these are the skills that can’t be automated, these are the skills that drive profits in all companies from small start-ups to the massive corporates. Its these skills that have been ignored in favour of the hard or technical skills over the past decades.
Here’s a question. Can you give a 20 minute presentation and hold the attention of everyone in the room without using PowerPoint or similar? Chances are if you are using PowerPoint you are putting your audience to sleep and actively disengaging them.
For the most part PowerPoint presentations are too crowded, contain too much information in each slide and you as the presenter turn your back on your audience as you talk to the screen, while standing in the light with writing all over your back. We’ve all been to a presentation and seen this very thing happen.
You then decided to check your Facebook on your smart device while pretending to take notes, or zone out in the half-light knowing no one will notice, as they like you have already departed to their own happy place.
This presentation will not get you the job or the promotion, in fact you’ll be remembered for all the wrong reasons. Do yourself a favour and get trained to be an excellent story teller who will deliver memorable cohesive presentations.
Here are 5 quick tips to get you started.
The Australian Institute of Soft Skills Training provides real skills for real people. Soft skills are the must-have skills for anyone in business today. We help you to improve your bottom line by increasing communication and productivity.
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123 Queen St, Melbourne CBD
Karstens Sydney
111 Harrington St, Sydney CBD
Christie Spaces
454 Collins St, Melbourne CBD
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