These days getting and keeping a job involves more than just a great CV. You are going to need a range of diverse qualifications under your belt if you want to set yourself apart from all the others. This is why soft skills are so important.
I’m not talking about professional and technical skills. Despite their value, they won’t get you as far as they used to in the industry of tomorrow.
Workers in this emerging workforce will be required to change, adapt, collaborate and innovate to keep their companies ahead of the competition. Soft skills are the way forward, and learning what they are and how to use your soft skills effectively is more important now than ever. Think of soft skills as the personal qualities and attributes that come in handy at the office.
Here are some examples:
Communication Skills: Written and verbal communication skills are key for successfully navigating any workplace. Let your employer know that you can engage with colleagues in a clear, polite and precise manner. It will reflect positively on your work ethic.
Be pro-active: Taking initiative in situations where things aren’t so black and white is crucial. Think logically to map out the steps and use google to make sense of anything about your boss’s instructions that wasn’t clear. Your competency will be noticeable to colleagues.
Negotiate well: One of the most valuable soft skills out there is the strong ability to negotiate. Learn how to give and take. Make compromises and try to meet everyone’s needs.
My favourite soft skill of all time is honing up on your ability to network. I used to be the most nervous and shy person to bump into at the printer. I hated small talk. But once I learnt how to change the way I thought about those situations the opportunities I uncovered were astonishing.
Work on your personal elevator pitch. And remember important details about potential contacts you cross paths with.
The Australian Institute of Soft Skills Training provides real skills for real people. Soft skills are the must-have skills for anyone in business today. We help you to improve your bottom line by increasing communication and productivity.
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454 Collins St, Melbourne CBD
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